Two-Toed Earless Skink
Scientific name: Hemiergis quadrilineata
Hemiergis is from the Greek word hemiergos, meaning half-made, in reference to the reduced number of fingers and toes. Quadrilineata is from the Latin words quadr-, meaning four, and lineatus, meaning lined.
Occurs from Green Head to Margaret River.
The ground colour varies, being pale to dark reddish brown, yellowish brown or greyish brown, sometimes with an olive tinge. The back usually has two lines of spots from the neck to tail. There is also a stripe down each side. The belly is bright yellow. There are only two fingers and toes on each limb. This lizard can grow to about 20 centimetres long.
This semi-burrowing skink shelters beneath leaf-litter, rocks, logs and rubbish. It can often be found in gardens and is most active at night.
The females give birth to two to five live young, each about 5 centimetres long.
A Guide to the Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region. Brian Bush, Brad Maryan, Robert Browne-Cooper, David Robinson. 2010
A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. Steve Wilson and Gerry Swan. 2003
Lizards of Western Australia I Skinks. GM Storr, LA Smith, RE Johnstone. 1999
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/cf8af5bb-5284-43ba-abe6-7757aaaa8c6d