Square-tailed Kite
Scientific name: Lophoictinia isura
Lophoictinia is from the Greek words lophos, meaning crest, and ictinos, meaning kite. Isura is from the Greek words isos, meaning equal or square, and ura, meaning tail.
Mararl (mar’arl).
Widespread but sparsely distributed across mainland Australia.
Up to 55 centimetres long with a 145 centimetre wingspan.
Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Various contributors.
What Bird is That? Neville W Cayley. 1978
Aboriginal names of bird species in south-west Western Australia, with suggestions for their adoption into common usage. Ian Abbott. 2009. Conservation Science Western Australia Journal. Volume 7 No 2 https://library.dbca.wa.gov.au/Journals/080559/080559-07.015.pdf
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/715a2874-1942-4762-866c-1194990e7a91