South-western Orange-tailed Slider
Scientific name: Lerista distinguenda
The meaning of Lerista is not known. Distinguenda is Latin meaning needing to be distinguished. This refers to needing to be distinguished from Lerista elegans.
Throughout the southwest of Western Australia from Geraldton to near the South Australian border.
A small (9cm) skink with 4 fingers and toes. Body colour olive-grey to silver-brown. There is a black stripe running from the side of the head to the base of the tail, bordered below by a white stripe. The tail usually has a red or orange tinge.
Shelters beneath leaf litter, logs and rocks. Feeds on small invertebrates.
Field Guide to the Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region. Brian Bush, Brad Maryan, Robert Browne-Cooper, David Robinson. 2010
Lizards of Western Australia I Skinks. GM Storr, LA Smith, RE Johnstone. 1999
Atlas of Living Australia