Western Three-lined Skink

Scientific name: Acritoscincus trilineatus

Meaning of name:

Acritoscincus is from the Greek word akritos, meaning mixed, and the Latin word scincus, meaning skink. Trilineatus is from the Latin word trilineatum meaning three-lined.


Occurs from Gin Gin to Israelite Bay.


A brown or grey skink to 13 centimetres long, which usually has 5 indistinct dark brown or black lines on its back.


Both sexes can have a reddish chin and throat, the colour intensifying during the breeding season.


A Guide to the Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region. Brian Bush, Brad Maryan, Robert Browne-Cooper, David Robinson. 2010

Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/683a3853-83cd-4c65-b980-747884c6fde4