Hibbertia striata

Meaning of name:

Hibbertia is in honour of George Hibbert (1757 – 1837), a nurseryman of Clapham, London. Striata is from the Latin word striatus, meaning striate.


Occurs in western parts of the south west of Western Australia.


A shrub to 50 centimetres tall with leaves up to 65 millimetres long by 2 millimetres wide. The yellow flowers are up to 35 millimetres across and can be found from July to November.


Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a Glossary. FA Sharr. Third edition 2019.

Hibbertia striata, a new combination for a long-overlooked Western Australian species, and inclusion of H. pachyrrhiza in H. huegelii. Kevin R. Thiele https://florabase.dbca.wa.gov.au/nuytsia/article/814

Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://id.biodiversity.org.au/taxon/apni/51434961

Florabase https://florabase.dbca.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/48381