Daviesia divaricata

Common name: Marno

Meaning of name:

Daviesia honours Hugh Davies (1739 – 1821), a Welsh botanist. Divaricata is from the Latin word divaricatus, meaning spread asunder, widely spreading, forked.


Occurs from the Murchison to Walpole.


A shrub to 1.8 metres tall. The orange, red and yellow flowers are produced from July to November.


Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a Glossary. FA Sharr. 1996.

Flora of the Perth Region. NG Marchant, JR Wheeler, BL Rye, EM Bennett, NS Lander, TD Macfarlane. 1987.

Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://id.biodiversity.org.au/taxon/apni/51435902

Florabase https://florabase.dbca.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/3807