Crimson Rosella
Scientific name: Platycercus elegans
Platycercus is from the Greek words platys, meaning flat, and cercos, meaning tail. Elegans is Latin for handsome.
The Crimson Rosella is naturally found from Adelaide, in the south east of Australia, and up the east coast to Cairns.
Up to 38 centimetres long with a 53 centimetre wingspan. This species comes in three colour variations – crimson, yellow and a grading between the two.
As this species doesn’t occur naturally near Perth, it is likely that these birds are aviary escapees. The birds photographed appear to be the yellow variant of Crimson Rosella.
Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Various contributors.
What Bird is That? Neville W Cayley. 1978
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/5e0f496f-5045-41ff-8c03-f3c8fd4f8ccd