Caladenia splendens
Common name: Splendid Spider Orchid
Caladenia is from the Greek words calos, meaning beautiful, and aden meaning gland. Some species of Caladenia have coloured glands at the base of the column. The column is an organ combining the stamens and style of the flower. Splendens is from the Latin word splendidus, meaning splendid.
Found in winter-wet areas from Jurien Bay to near Albany.
A single leaf to 30 centimetres long. This plant has up to 4 flowers held on a stalk up to 80 centimetres tall during September and October.
Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a Glossary. FA Sharr. 1996.
Orchids of South-West Australia. Noel Hoffman & Andrew Brown. 1992.
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://id.biodiversity.org.au/taxon/apni/51399379
Florabase https://florabase.dbca.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/15380