Balta hebardi
Common name: Hebard’s Balta
Meaning of name:
The meaning of Balta is not known. Hebardi recognises Morgan Hebard, an American scientist who studied orthopterids, including cockroaches.
This cockroach is known from the south-west of Western Australia.
This cockroach was approximately 25 millimetres long. The individuals depicted on this page are male. The wings of females don’t reach the end of their abdomen.
We have photographed this cockroach in November and December.
A Guide to the Cockroaches of Australia. David Rentz. 2014.
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/61e170fd-93a7-4187-81b5-db2e25c2faf8