Aira cupaniana
Common name: Silvery Hair Grass
Aira is a Greek word meaning darnel. The meaning of cupaniana is not known.
Reported from the south west of Western Australia.
An erect annual to 40 centimetres tall. Flowers from September to November.
This species is originally from southern Europe.
Western Weeds, A Guide to the Weeds of Western Australia. BMJ Hussey, GJ Keighery, J Dodd, SG Lloyd, RD Cousens. 1997.
Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a Glossary. FA Sharr. 1996.
Flora of the Perth Region. NG Marchant, JR Wheeler, BL Rye, EM Bennett, NS Lander, TD Macfarlane. 1987.
Description and key to the identification of Grasses in South-Western Australia. JG Paterson. 1992.
Atlas of Living Australia