Western Banjo Frog
Scientific name: Limnodynastes dorsalis
Limnodynastes is from the words limnos, meaning lake, marsh or pool, and dynastes means dynastic ruler; usually interpreted as Lord of the marsh. Dorsalis probably refers to the pattern on the back of the first specimen collected.
South-west of Western Australia from Murchison River to Wattle Camp.
A large reddish brown to golden frog with bold black patches over back and hind limbs. There is usually a narrow pale stripe running down the back from the nose to between the hind limbs. Groin bright red. Up to 73 millimetres long.
The call is a single deep explosive ‘bonk’, similar to that made by a banjo string. Eggs are laid in a foam nest on the surface of still or slowly flowing water in winter and spring.
During the winter months this frog can be found in vegetation near permanent water but inhabits a burrow during dry conditions.
Frogs of Western Australia. MJ Tyler, LA Smith, RE Johnstone. 1994
Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region. Brian Bush, Brad Maryan, Robert Browne-Cooper, David Robinson. 1995
Field Guide to the Frogs of Western Australia. MJ Tyler, P Doughty. 2009
Hear the call at the WA Museum http://museum.wa.gov.au/explore/frogwatch/frogs/western-banjo-frog
Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/485e7fa6-c632-4288-bcdc-ef8890c87646