Tasmanicosa sp. 2

Meaning of name: Unknown.

Distribution: Unknown.

Description: This spider has a body length of approximately 20 millimetres.

Notes: Tasmanicosa wolf spiders live in vertical burrows, usually in the ground with a collar of silk but no lid.

Wolf spiders may sit at the lip of their burrow and when provoked, rear up in defence or quickly retreat inside.

Female wolf spiders carry their egg sac attached to spinnerets under the abdomen. Upon hatching the spiderlings swarm over their mother and are carried around on her back for a few days before dispersing.

References: Identification courtesy of Cael Gallery.

Atlas of Living Australia https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/a24ecd21-6f0d-4a2b-a798-2d3ec74913b4#overview

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